Dakota Country Happenings is a weekly email for members.
This valuable email keeps you on top of all the country music events we find in the area.
We have events for Sioux Falls, Nebraska and Iowa we will post any dance!
Don't miss a thing, become a Dakota Country Dance Club member to enjoy all the benefits!
Do you have an event you would like listed in Dakota Happenings?
To submit your event to Dakota Country Happenings, simply email Dakotacountrydanceclub@gmail.com and send us the information about your event. Be sure to put Dakota Happenings in the subject line so it goes to the right person.
Please send it in a text format. Be sure to add your start and end date and all pertinent information about your event. you may attach a poster but we may only be able to advertise your text depending on size of email.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.